Movies of Audrey
Movies 1948 Nederlands in 7 Lessen (Dutch in 7 Lessons) B/W, 79min Dutch Independent Producer: H. M. Josephson Director: Charles Huguenot van der Linden Not, as title suggests, an instructional documentary, but a feature film. AH played small role of air stewardess.
Filmed in the Netherlands.
One Wild Oat
B/W, 78min
Eros-Coronet, GB
Director: Charles Saunders
Screenplay: Vernon Sylvaine and Lawrance Huntington from Vernon Sylvaine's play
Stars: Robertson Hare, Stanley Holloway, Constance Lorne, Vera Pearce, June Sylvaine, Andrew Crawford, Gwen Cherrill, Irene Handl. A barrister (Hare) attempts to discourage his daughter's infactuation for a philanderer by revealing his past. The plan backfires when the daughter's would-be father-in-law (Holloway) threatens to reveal the barrister's shady background. AH was an unbilled extra.
Filmed in England.
Young Wives' Tale
B/W, 78min
Associated British/Allied Artists, GB
Director: Henry Cass
Screenplay: Anne Burnaby, from Ronald Jean's stage comedy.
Stars: Joan Greenwood, Nigel Patrick, Derek Farr, Guy Middleton, Audrey Hepburn AH, a man-shy lodger in a hose shared by two couples, is temporarily smitten with one of the husbands (Patrick). It had only limited release in the US in 1951 but was re-issued there in 1954 after Roman Holiday had catapulted AH to overnight stardom.
Filmed in England.
Laughter in Paradise
B/W 95min
Associated British/Pathe, GB
Director/Producer: Mario Zampi
Screenplay: Michael Pertwee and Jack Davies
Dir of Photography: William McLeod
Music: Stanley Black
Stars: Alastair sim, Fay Compton, Guy Middleton, George Cole, Hugh Griffith, Ernest Thesiger, Beatrice Campbell, Audrey Hepburn A delightful will-with-strings comedy about an eccentric millionaire (Griffith) who divides his fortune among four relativges whose eligibility to inherit depends on their fulfilling the zany stipulations he decrees. AH is a cigarette girl in a night-club sequence.
Filmed in England (Remade in 1972 as Some Will, Some Won't.)
The Lavender Hill Mob
B/W, 80min
Earling/Rank/Universal, GB
Producer: Michael Truman
Director: Charles Crichton
Screenplay: T. E. B. Clarke
Dir of Photography: Douglas Slocombe
Stars: Alec Guinness, Stanley Holloway, Sidney James, Alfie Bass, Marjorie Fielding, Edie Martin, John Salew, Audrey Hepburn After working for the bank of England for twenty years, a mild-mannered shipping clerk (Guinness), with the help of a boarding-house crony (Holloway) and two professional crooks (James & Bass), devises and executes a foolproof scheme for stealing a million pounds in gold from his employers. AH's bit is in a South American sequence.
Filmed in England.
The Secret People
B/W, 91min
Earling/Lippert, GB
Director: Thorold Dickinson
Producer: Sidney Cole
Screenplay: Thorold Dickinson and Wolfgang Wilhelm, from an original story by Dickinson and Joyce Carey (uncredited).
Dir of Photography: Gordon Dines
Stars: Valentina Cortesa, Serge Reggiani, Audrey Hepburn, Charles Goldner, Megs Jenkins, Irene Worth, Angela Fouldes A refugee (Cortesa) involved in an abortive assassination plot helps the police apprehend the conspirators after an innocent bystander is killed. AH, her younger sister, is a ballerina with a Dublin dance troupe. AH is given her first above-the-title credit.
Filmed in England.
Monte Carlo Baby/Nous Irons a Monte Carlo
B/W, 70min
Ventura/Filmakers, GB
Director: Jean Boyer and Jean Jerrold
Producer: Ray Ventura
Screenplay: Jean, Jerrold, Alex Jaffe and Jean Boyer
Stars: Cara Williams, Philippe LeMaire, Russell Collins, Audrey Hepburn, John Van Dreelan, George Lannes, Marcel Dalio, Lionel Murton, Andre Lugret, Ray Ventura and his orchestra When an epidemic of measles temporarily closes a child centre the infant son of a film star (AH) and her estranged husband, a concert pianist (Van Dreelan), is mistakenly given into the custody of a touring musiciona (Collins).
Filmed in France, this British production was also made, with AH, in a French-Language version. US producers Collier Young and Ida Lupino acquired the US distribution rights to it after the completion of Roman Holiday.
Roman Holiday
B/W, 118min
Paramount, US
Director/Producer: William Wyler
Screenplay: Ian McLellan Huner and John Dighton, from an original (uncredited) script by Dalton Trumbo.
Dir of Photography: Franz Planer and Henri Alekan
Stars: Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, Eddie Albert, Hartley Power, Harcourt Williams, Margaret Rawlings, Tullio Carminati, Paolo Carlini The runaway princess of a mythological kingdom (AH) spends a night and a carefree day touring Rome and falling in love with an American newsman who is unaware of her true identity (Peck). After spending four years attempting to finance and film Roman Holiday, Frank Capra sold this property to Wyler.
Filmed in Italy.
Sabrina (UK: Sabrina Fair)
B/W, 112min
Paramount, US
Director/Producer: Billy Wilder
Screenplay: Billy Wilder, Samuel Taylor and Ernest Lehman, from Samuel Taylor's play.
Dir of Photography: Charles Lang Jnr.
Stars: Humphry Bogart, William Holden, Audrey Hepburn, Walter Hampden, John Williams, Martha Hyer, Joan Vohs, Marcel Hillaire, Nella Walker Returning to the Long Island estate of her father's employers after flunking a cookery course at a Paris school, a chauffeur's daughter (AH), long infatuated with the family's playboy son (Holden), discovers she really loves his older, hard-working brother (Bogart).
Filmed in US.
War and Peace
Technicolor, VistaVision, 208min
Carlo Ponti/Dino de Laurentiis/Paramount, US/Italy
Director: King Vidor (battle scenes by Mario Soldati)
Producer: Carlo Ponti and Dino de Laurentiis
Screenplay: Bridget Boland, robert Westerby, King Vidor, Mario Camerini, Ennio DeConcini and Ivo Perelli, from Leo Tolstoy's novel
Dir of Photography: Jack Cardiff (battle scenes by Aldo Tonti)
Stars: Audrey Hepburn, Henry Fonda, Mel Ferrer, Herbert Lom, Oscar Homolka, Virrorio Gassman, Anita Ekberg, Helmut Dantine, Barry Jones. AH plays Natasha in this flawed but fascinating cinemation of Tolstoy's novel.
Filmed in Itally and Yugoslavia
Funny Face
Technicolor, VistaVision, 103min
Paramount, US
Director: Stanley Donen
Producer: Roger Edens
Screenplay: Leonard Gersche
Dir of Photography: Ray June
Music & Lyrics: George and Ira Gershwin, with additional songs by Roger Edens and Leonard Gersche; title and songs derived from the 1927 Broadway musical
Stars: Fread Astaire, Audrey Hepburn, Kay Thompson, Michel Auclair, Robert Flemyng, Dovima, Virgina Gibson, Suzy Parker, Sue England A May-December romance involving the transformation of a Greenwich Village introvert (AH) into a dazzling haute-couture mannequin by a fashion-magazine photographer (Astaire). Originally an MGM property called Wedding Day, Paramount acquired it for AH whom it had under contract and would not lend out.
Filmed in Hollywood and France.
Love in the Afternoon
B/W, 125min
Allied Artists, US
Producer/Director: Billy Wilder
Screenplay: Billy Wilder and I. A. L. Diamond, from Claude Anet's novel, Ariane.
Dir of Photography: William Mellor
Music: Franz Waxman
Stars: Gary Cooper, Audrey Hepburn, Maurice Chevalier, John McGiver, Van Doude, Lise Bourdin, Olga Valery, Gyula Kokas, Michael Kokas, George Cicos, Victor Gazzoli. A Lubitsch-like comedy about a middle-aged playboy (Cooper) fascinated by the daughter (AH) of a private detective (Chevalier) who has been hired to entrap him with the wife of a client. It had been made in France as a silent in 1926 and as Ariane with Elizabeth Bergner in 1931.
Filmed in France.
Green Mansions
Metrocolor, Panavision, 104min
MGM/Avon, US
Director: Mel Ferrer
Producer: Edmund Grainger
Screenplay: Dorothy Kingsley, from W. H. Hudson's novel
Dir of Photography: Joseph Ruttenberg
Music: Bronislau Kaper and Hector Villa-Lobos
Stars: Anthony Perkins, Audrey Hepburn, Lee J. Cobb, Henry Silva, Sessue Hayakawa, Nehemiah Persoff, Michael Pate, Estelle Hemsly, Bill Saito, Yonco Iguchi Abel, a political refugee (Perkins), searching for gold in the Venezuelan jungle to finance a rebelion against his fathers assassins, encounters Rima, a wistful, mysterious child-of-nature (AH), who is feared by the natives as a possessor of evil spirits.
Filmed in Hollywood (location footage shot in British Guiana, Colombia and Venezuela).
The Nun's Story
Technicolor, Panavision, 125min
Warner Bros, US
Director: Fred Zinnemann
Producer: Henry Blanke
Screenplay: Robert Anderson, from Kathryn C. Hulme's book
Dir of Photography: Franz Planer
Music: Franz Waxman
Stars: Audrey Hepburn, Peter Finch, Edith Evans, Peggy Ashcroft, Dean Jagger, Mildred Dunnock, Patricia Collinge, Beatrice Margaret Phillips, Patricia Bosworth, Colleen Dewhurst, Stephen Murray. A nun felled by tuberculosis while nursing in the Belgian Congo (AH) realizes she can never give complete obedience to her order, repudiates her vows and joins a Second World War underground movement to help fight the Nazi invaders of her homeland. AH's favourite role.
Filmed in Africa, Belgium and Italy.
The Unforgiven
Technicolor, Panavision, 125min
United Artist/James Productions/Hecht-Hill-Lancaster, US
Director: John Huston
Producer: James Hill
Screenplay: Ben Maddow, from Alan LeMay's novel
Dir of Photography: Franz Planer
Music: Dmitri Tiomkin
Stars: Burt Lancaster, Audrey Hepburn, Audie Murphy, Lillian Gish, Charles Bickford, Doug McClure, John Saxon, Joseph Wiseman, Albert Salmi, June Walker, Kipp Hamilton, Arnold Merritt, Carlos Rivas. Prejudiced neighbours rebel against a panhandle ranch family whose adopted daughter (AH), an Indian orphan, becomes a pwan in a savage Kiowa uprising.
Filmed in Mexico.
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Technicolor, 115min
Paramount/Jurow-Shepherd, US
Director: Blake Edwards
Producer: Martin Jurow and Richard Shepherd
Screenplay: George Axelrod, from Truman Capote's novella
Dir of Photography: Franz Planer
Music: Henry Mancini
Stars: Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, Patricia Neal, Buddy Ebsen, Martin Balsam, John McGiver, Mickey Rooney, Jose-Luis de Villalonga, Alam Reed, Dorothy Whitney, Beverly Hills, Stanley Adams. Holly Golightly, a Texas innocent working as a fifty-dollar-a-trick call-girl (AH), seeks security, via a rich husband, amoung Manhattan's most offbeat Bohemians.
Filmed in US.
The Children's Hour (UK: The Loudest Whisper)
B/W, 108min
Director/Producer: William Wyler
Screenplay: John Michael Hayes, from Lillian Hellman's adaptation of her play
Dir of Photography: Franz Planer
Music: Alex North
Stars: Audrey Hepburn, Shirley MacLaine, James Garner, Miriam Hopkins, Fay Bainter, Karen Balkin, Veronica Cartwright, Mimi Gibson, Debbie Moldow, Diana Mountford, William Mims, Florence MacMichael, Allie Brophy, Hope Summers, Jered Barclay. The founders of a girls' school (AH and MacLaine) lost a libel suit against the grandmother (Bainter) of a malicious student (Balkin) who accused them of lesbianism. Originally filmed, sans pervision, by Wyler and Sammuel Goldwyn in 1936 as These Three, with Miriam Hopkins, Merle Oberon and Joel McCrea in the MacLaine-AH-Garner roles.
Filmed in US.
Technicolor, 113min
Universal, US
Director/Producer: Stanley Donen
Screenplay: Peter Stone, from a story ('The Unsuspecting Wife') by Stone and Marc Behm
Dir of Photography: Charles Lang Jnr
Music: Henry Mancini
Stars: Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, Walter Matthau, James Coburn, George Kennedy, Ned Glass, Jacques Marin, Paul Bonifas, Dominique Minot, Thomas Chelimsky. An American widow (AH), threatened by her late husband's associates into revealing where a quater of a million dollars is stolen gold is hidden, seeks protection from the US Embassy in Paris and receives help from a mysterious stranger (Grant), whom she things may ba a master criminal.
Filmed in Paris.
Paris When It Sizzles
Technicolor, 110min
Paramount, US
Director: Richard Quine
Producer: Richard Quine and George Axelrod
Screenplay: George Axelrod, from a story and screenplay by Julien Duvivier and Henri Jeanson
Dir of Photography: Charles Lang Jnr
Music: Nelson Riddle
Stars: William Holden, Audrey Hepburn, Gregoire Aslan, Raymond Busieres, Christian Duvellex, Thomas Michel
Voices of: Fred Asraire and Frank Sinatra
Guest Stars: Marlene Dietrich, Tony Curtis, Mel Ferrer, Noel Coward. An American living forty-eight hours with the help of an imaginative typist (AH). A re-make of Duviver's French move, Holiday for Henrietta (1954), with Michel Auclair and Hildegarde Neff in the Holden-Hepburn roles. Originally called The Girl who Stole the Eiffel Tower, it was complete before Charade and shelved for two years.
Filmed in Paris.
My Fair Lady
Technicolor, Super Panavision 70, 175min
Warners/CBS, US
Director: George Cukor
Producer: Jack L. Warner
Screenplay: Alan Jay Lerner, from his adaption of George Bernard Shaw's screenply for the 1938 film version of his play Pygmalion
Dir of Photography: Harry Stradling
Music: Frederick Loewe
Choreography: Hermes Pan
Costumes: Cecil Beaton
Stars: Audrey, Hepburn, Rex Harrison, Stanley Holloway, Wilfred Hyde White, Gladys Cooper, Jeremy Brett, Theodore Bikel, Isobel Elsom, Mona Washbourne, Walter Burke, John Holland, Henry Daniell AH is Eliza Doolittle (singing dubbed by Marni Nixon). The film won all the major Oscars except for best actress
Filmed in US.
How to Steal a Million (aka How to Steal a Million Dollars and Live Happily Ever After)
De Luxe, Panavision, 127min
20th Century-Fox/World Wide, US
Director: William Wyler
Producer: Fred Kohlmar
Screenplay: Harry Kurnitz, from George Bradshaw's story
Dir of Photography: Charles Lang
Music: Jonny Williams
Stars: Audrey Hepburn, Peter O'Toole, Charles Boyer, Hugh Griffith, Eli Wallach, Fernand Gravel, Marcel Dalio, Jacques Marin, Moustache, Roger Treville, Eddie Malin, Bert Bertram. The daughter of an art forger (AH) enlists the aid of a private detective she believes to be a crook (O'Toole) to help her steal a Cellini sculpture from a museum before insurance appraisers discover her father's generous donation is really one of his clever foreries.
Filmed in Paris.
Two for the Road
De Luxe, Panavision, 112min
20th Century-Fox, US
Director/Producer: Stanley Donen
Screenplay: Frederic Raphael
Dir of Photography: Christopher Challis
Music: Henry Mancini
Stars: Audrey Hepburn, Albert Finney, Eleanor Bron, William Daniels, Claude Dauphin, Nadia Grey, Georges Descrieres, Gabrielle Middleton, Cathy Jones, Carol Van Dyke, Karyn Balm, Mario Verdon En route to the Cote d'Azur, a successful architect (Finney) and his wife (AH) review, in their minds, the events in their twelve year marriage, shown in non-chronological flashbacks, that have led to their boredom and infidelity.
Filmed in France.
Wait Until Dark
Technicolor, 108min
Warner Bros, US
Director: Terence Young
Producer: Mel Ferrer
Screenplay: Robert and Jane Howard-Carrington, from Frederick Knott's play
Dir of Photography: Charles Lang
Music: Henry Mancini
Stars: Audrey Hepburn, Alan Arkin, Richard Crenna, Efram Zimbalist Jr, Jack Weston, Samantha Jones, Julie Herrod, Frank O'Brien, Gary Morgan, Francis DeSales, Jim Raymond, Lucy Ann Cook, Alan Paige. AH, as a recently blinded wife of a photographer (Zimbalist), is terrorised by a gang of narcotics smugglers (Arkin, Crenna, Weston) during her husband's absence.
Filmed in US.
Robin and Marian
Technicolor, 107min
Columbia/Rastar, US
Director: Richard Lester
Producer: Denis O'Dell
Screenplay: James Goldman
Dir of Photography: David Watkin
Music: John Barry
Stars: Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn, Robert Shaw, Nicol Williamson, Richard Harris, Denholm Elliott, Ronnie Barker, Kenneth Haigh, Ian Holm, Bill Maynard, Esmond Knight, Veronica Quilligan, Peter Butterworth. Robin Hood (Connery) returns to Sherwood Forest after fighting for King Richard (Harris) in the Crusades and in France for twenty years, and finds that the Sheriff of Nottingham (Shaw) is still grinding the faces of the poor and that Maid Marian (AH) is now an abbess.
Filmed in Spain.
Bloodline (West Germany: Blutspur)
Movielab, 117min
Paramount/Geria, US
Director: Terence Young
Producer: David V. Picker and Sidney Beckerman
Screenplay: Laird Koenig, from the novel by Sidney Sheldon
Dir of Photography: Freddie Young
Music: Ennio Morricone
Stars: Audrey Hepburn, Ben Gazzara, James Mason, Caudia Mori, Irene Papas, Michelle Phillips, Maurice Ronet, Romy Schneider, Omar Sharif, Beatrice Straight, Gert Frobe, Wolfgang Preiss. A pharmaceutical tycoon is murdered and his daughter-heir (AH) begins to receive death threats.
Filmed in New York, Copenhagen, Rome, Munich, London, Paris, Sardinia and Zurich.
They All Laughed
De Luxe, 121min
PSO/Moon Pictures/Time-Life, US
Director/Screenplay: Peter Bogdanovich
Producer: George Morfogen and Blaine Novak
Dir of Photography: Robby Muller
Music: Colleen Camp's songs arranged and conducted by Earl Poole Ball; 'Kentucky Nights', words and music by Eric Kaz; 'One Day Since Yesterday', words and music by Earle Poole Ball and Peter Bogdanovich
Stars: Audrey Hepburn, Ben Gazzara, John Ritter, Colleen Camp, Dorothy Stratten, Patti Hansen, George Morfogen, Blaine Novak, Sean Ferrer, Linda MacEwen. A European tycoon's lonely wife (AH) visits New York for a short interlude of romance and escape, and her husband assigns a private detective (Gazzara) to keep an eye on her. Comedy with plot similarity to Roman Holiday, thought with a number of differences the second time around.
Filmed in the US.
De Luxe, USA:106 / UK:103 / Netherlands:121
Universal/United Artists, USA
Director: Steven Spielberg
Producers: Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall, Steven Spielberg, Richard Vane
Writing credits: Chandler Sprague, David Boehm (I)
Music: John Williams
A romantic adventure about a legendary pilot's passion for dare-devil firefighting and his girl.
AH has a cameo appearence playing the role of the angel Hap.
Theater works of
Audrey Hepburn.
1951. Gigi Two acts and six scenes. Not to be confused with the 1958 film musical starring Leslie Caron. Setting: Paris, 1900. A young wide-eyed rebel is trained by her aunt to be a cocotte, but when married off to a playboy she reforms him. When the show closed, AH flew to Rome to make Roman Holiday and then returned to the US for an extensive road tour of Gigi.
1954. Ondine In the play Audrey acted together with her husband Mel Ferrer. Received "Tony" award.
Look Down for all
Awards Audrey Ever Got.
